ValQ represents a forward leap in how Microsoft Power BI visualizations provide an end to end solution in the area of planning and forecasting. Harnessing the full power of ValQ for Power BI requires a working knowledge of techniques in data acquisition, transformation, and modeling. This webinar will provide an overview of best practices for Power Query acquired from building some of the most complex ValQ value decision trees. Live demos of our ValQ Azure Cost Planner and ValQ Portfolio Management decision tree will be demonstrated to drive home the key concepts. Note that this webinar will outline advanced Power BI techniques and should be attended by those familiar with these advanced capabilities.
Webinar outline
- Introduction to ValQ for Power BI
- Refer to previous webinars and illustrate how they complement this webinar
- Power BI Data Acquisition Techniques
- Types of data best for valQ Planning
- Best practices for data ingestion in Power Query when using valQ
- Power BI Data Transformation Techniques in Power Query
- Techniques for transforming imperfect data into proper valQ model data
- Organizing table appends in Power Query to layer data across separate units of measure
- Time period mapping and adjustments
- Appending and Merging queries to create single valQ Model Table
- Power BI Data Modeling for valQ best practices
- Data Binding (naming standards and recommended hierarchy)
- Formulas and usage of new “null node” setting
- Usage of node templates and linked nodes
- Power BI valQ Design Patterns
- Simulating single use cases versus multiple use cases within one valQ VDT
- Power BI Dataset filtering best practices
- Integrating valQ with other native Power BI visuals