Why is Forward-Forecast important?
Forward-Forecast comes to play when we consider our future period. Often, we end up planning the stock movement for a given period without giving a thought about the future. Though Demand-Driven concepts are playing a pivotal role in influencing this observation, it is rarely utilized for better analysis.

Forward-Forecast using ValQ for Microsoft Power BI
Forward-forecast allows an enterprise to predict how much of stocks will be made available for consumption. This indicates the anticipated revenue by the end of the year, thus, giving a holistic view of where the business is heading.
It is fair to state that such kind of information helps to conclude a fruitful Sales Plan when our Sales Team knows how much of inventory will be coming at each ‘Point of Sale’ for selling. If need be, they can plan their orders or promotions in advance or even foresee a drop in consumption. This even helps in timely correcting the forecast.
Imagine if our Replenishment Model shows this information with just a click?
ValQ can exactly perform this and also provide a quick view on variance at multiple comparison levels.
Furthermore, it brings numerous features that support data connections, budgeting, allocation, advanced calculations, multi-scenario comparison, writeback, collaboration, etc.
Check out this blog on the key drivers of Replenishment Planning here and perform Replenishment Planning with this ValQ demo here.
Tune into a ValQ Webinar on Replenishment Planning using Microsoft Power BI :
Replay for webinar dated 5th Feb-2020 (Asia Pacific) – Click here
Replay for webinar dated 6th Feb-2020 (the US and Other Regions) – Click here