Forecast your cash flows intuitively using ValQ for Microsoft Power BI
Leverage ValQ to intuitively visualize financial models in Microsoft Power BI
Leverage ValQ to create a zero-based budget (ZBB) for your upcoming business cycle
Leverage ValQ to baseline your budget for an upcoming year or business cycle
Create and evaluate performances of unit price contracts with the help of the Contract Manufacturing Analysis model
Develop and analyze sourcing strategies with the help of the Strategic Sourcing Analysis model
Analyze the performance of vendors on different parameters with the help of the Vendor Performance Analysis model
Identify savings opportunities and reduce the overall costs to serve with the help of the Cost to serve Analysis model
Leverage ValQ to Proactively identify savings opportunities and reduce the overall transportation cost
Plan & drive your inventory by calculating various controls & KPIs for the optimum supply of stocks
Drive your material requirement planning by optimizing demand & supplier lead times
Manage product replenishment planning across stores in different regions and segments
Optimize your capacity plans by managing production demand, inventory & capacity fill rate
Model your entire business and leverage a 360-degree view of value drivers for planning