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Time Series Forecasting using Microsoft Power BI

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Leverage ValQ to perform time series forecasting using Microsoft Power BI in a matter of minutes. Highlights include:

  • Fully independent and self-sufficient – No external resources or integrations required (with R, Python, scripts etc.)
  • Choice of multiple forecasting methods, including auto-forecasts for casual users
  • Analyze historical trends and forecast at any level of granularity – company-level, category or subcategory
  • Configurable ranges for past & future periods, with options to allocate weightage as required
  • Visualize & preview forecast outputs before you apply them
  • Ability to adjust and edit forecasts after they have been created (through an editable table interface)
  • Perform time series forecasting + demand planning / financial planning/ operations planning from a single interface


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About ValQ!
ValQ empowers analysts, executives and decision-makers across departments and functions. Model any business scenario in minutes, build complex business plans, what-if simulations, create & compare budgets, forecasts and scenarios – all within Microsoft Power BI. The product is developed by Lumel Technologies (formerly Visual BI), which has a decade of experience in building add-on solutions on top of BI platforms (SAP BI and Power BI) with our suite of innovative products such as xViz and Inforiver.


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