Irrespective of the functional area, organizations of all sizes should develop a robust supplier evaluation process.
Supplier selection aims to ascertain the excellent supplier who proposes the best value for money of product or service.
Cost-to-Serve is an application of Activity Based Costing. With the help of efficient management, it can significantly improve overall business profitability.
Cost to Serve analysis facilitates informed decisions to transform unprofitable customers into profitable ones.
The main objective of the cost to serve methodology is to calculate the end-to-end cost of delivering a product or service to the end customer.
This blog briefs more about Inventory Planning and Control and how you can achieve it seamlessly using ValQ, the modern digital planning tool.
This blog throws light on Inventory Planning and Control KPIs that help us to keep a check on the right flow of stocks and also govern the overall process.
Achieve profitability in Inventory Management by introducing vital KPIs that will help in foreseeing the impact on the flow of inventory, cost and revenue.
Talking about the top 5 expectations from a Production Planning process, here’s throwing some light and understanding the significance of each one of them.
Think of how the interactions with various systems & computer applications have changed over the last couple of decades. Across websites, search engines, mobile devices, video content, mobile applications, games, visualization software and social media – an underlying revolution has been happening quietly, in terms of user experience & design. Now let’s look at planning […]