We will be learning how to build an income statement model in ValQ from scratch in less than 60 minutes
Defining the P&L structure as a template and reusing the template helps you not only build the model faster but also allows for easy modifications to the structure in a single place. In this blog, let's take a look at Template Structures in ValQ
In this blog, let’s have a look at how to customize conditional formatting for ValQ nodes based on your needs using a sample dataset.
In this blog, we will use the writeback option in ValQ to post the data to a URL, whose flow can be processed further as per our preference. In our example, we will use Microsoft Flow to process this information and update a database.
Node act as the fundamental building block in ValQ. It becomes vital for the user to understand the richness of data each node provides.
ValQ by default leverages a standard fiscal year (Jan to Dec) for time periods. However, you can use customized time periods (e.g. 16 weeks, 6 Quarters, 5 Years, etc.) and the fiscal year (e.g. Apr to Mar) too. In this blog let’s look at how to set up ValQ to handle a custom fiscal year and custom weeks.
On May 17th Friday afternoon, Visual BI’s ValQ for modern digital planning was introduced to the world through Microsoft’s May 2019 Power BI Desktop summary blog. This made the week a blockbuster for ValQ (With 1,000+ product downloads and 100K+ views) and the Power BI user community (as per their strong positive feedback and excitement in social media)...
ValQ helps executives visualize their business models in an intuitive & engaging manner. It achieves this by capturing the relationship between several key business drivers and the business outcome This blog features three ways to build such a model in ValQ...
Have a look at a valuable endorsement to our product by getting featured at length by Microsoft with their May 2019 Power BI Desktop Summary Blog. As traditional companies tend to leverage on top level executives solely in decision making, administrative...
In the previous blog we took a look at one of the features of ValQ’s May 2019 release, the Table View. Here, let’s explore another exciting feature in this release – Dynamic Scaling Options. In ValQ, values for the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and drivers may...